Ethereum: Running WebSockets Standalone for Real-Time Data
As a developer working with cryptocurrency markets on Binance or other exchanges, you are probably familiar with the importance of real-time feeds to stay informed about market trends. One popular solution is to use web sockets, which allow two-way communication between clients and servers over the web. In this article, we will look at how to run web sockets standalone on Ethereum to collect candlestick data.
Challenges of Websockets on Ethereum
Before diving into the solutions, it is essential to understand the challenges that come with running web sockets on Ethereum:
- Gas Prices
: Ethereum has a high gas price, which can lead to delays in processing web socket messages.
- Network congestion: As more clients connect to the same web socket endpoint, network congestion increases, leading to slower data transfer.
- Limited WebSocket support: The latest version of the websockets protocol is not fully supported on Ethereum, which limits its use.
Solution: Using a standalone WebSocket server
To overcome these challenges, we will use a dedicated websocket server running on an independent Ethereum node. This approach allows for:
- Faster data transfer times
: Using a standalone websocket server significantly reduces data transfer times, making it ideal for real-time market analysis.
- Reduced network congestion: With fewer clients connecting to the same endpoint, network congestion is minimized, improving overall performance.
- Full WebSocket Support: We will leverage the latest version of the websockets protocol, ensuring seamless integration with Binance and other exchanges.
Setting Up a Standalone WebSocket Server
To create a standalone websocket server on Ethereum, you will need:
- Ethereum Node: Install a fully tested and audited Ethereum node (e.g. Parity or Hyperledger Fabric) that will handle websocket connections.
- websocket.js library: Include the websocket.js library in your project to easily integrate with the core websocket API.
- Server Configuration: Configure the standalone websocket server to listen on a specific port (e.g. 8080) and set up the necessary security measures to protect against potential attacks.
Here is an example of how you can implement this setup:
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const WebSocket = require('websocket').server;
// Set up the server configuration
const server = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 });
// Handle incoming websocket connections
app.get('/ws', (req, res) => {
server.handleConnection(req, res);
// Define a callback function to handle websocket messages
function handleMessage(websocket, message, callback) {
console.log(Message received: ${message}
// Process the data as needed and send it back to the clients
websocket.send('Data received!');
// Start the websocket server
Collecting candlestick data from Binance
If you want to collect candlestick data from Binance using this independent websocket server, you can use a library like ws-ethereum
to create a websocket connection to the Binance API.
Here is an example of how you can modify your code to collect candlestick data:
const WebSocket = require('websocket').server;
// Connect to the Binance websocket endpoint
const connection = new WebSocket('wss://');
connection.on('open', () => {
console.log('Connected to Binance websocket');
connection.on('message', (message) => {
if (message.type === 'pump') {
// Process the pump message and send it back to the clients
console.log(Data pumped: ${message.value}`);
connection.send(‘Data received!