Bitcoin: (Programming Q) Generating receive addresses from p2wsh multi-sig script?

Generating Receive Addresses from P2Wash Multi-Sig Script


As you delve deeper into understanding Bitcoin and its underlying protocols, it’s essential to explore the mechanisms used by wallets to facilitate secure transactions. One critical aspect is generating receive addresses, which are required for receiving funds from other users.

In this article, we’ll examine how to generate receive addresses from a P2Wash multi-sig script in Python.



  • Familiarity with Bitcoin basics and the P2Wash protocol

  • A basic understanding of programming concepts

The P2Wash Multi-Sig Script


A P2Wash multi-sig script is a type of wallet that enables secure, multi-signature transactions. Here’s an example of how it could be implemented:

import hashlib

import binascii

from embit import bech32

Define constants for the blockchain hash and signature derivation parameters

BLOCKCHAIN_HASH = "your_blockchain_hash_here"

SIGDERivationParameter = 3

def derive_signature(p, r, s):

"""Derive a signature using the public key"""

return (hexlify(p).decode() + hashlib.sha256(b"s".encode()).digest().hex()) % 1000000

def p2wpub_script(p, sig, r, s, n):

"""Generate the P2Wash multi-sig script"""

return bech32.decode_p2wsh_script(


[hexlify(p).decode(), hashlib.sha256(b"s".encode()).digest().hex()]


def main():

Derive the public key, signature, and random number

p = derive_signature("your_public_key_here", 0x12, 0x34)

r = derive_signature(p, 1, 2)

s = derive_signature(r, 3, 4)

n = derive_signature(s, 5, 6)

Generate the P2Wash multi-sig script

script = p2wpub_script(p, None, r, s, n)

Print the generated script


if __name__ == "__main__":


Generating Receive Addresses


A receive address is a unique identifier that can be used to receive funds from other users. In the context of P2Wash, receiving addresses are typically derived using a similar process.

The p2wpub_script function generates a P2Wash multi-sig script, which includes the public key, signature, random number, and non-random parameters (r, s, n). To generate receive addresses from this script, we need to derive a unique identifier that is not present in the script.

Here’s an updated version of the code:


import hashlib

import binascii

Define constants for the blockchain hash and signature derivation parameters

BLOCKCHAIN_HASH = “your_blockchain_hash_here”

SIGDERivationParameter = 3

def derive_signature(p, r, s):

“””Derive a signature using the public key”””

return (hexlify(p).decode() + hashlib.sha256(b”s”.encode()).digest().hex()) % 1000000

def p2wpub_script(p, sig, r, s, n):

“””Generate the P2Wash multi-sig script”””

return bech32.decode_p2wsh_script(


[hexlify(p).decode(), hashlib.sha256(b”s”.encode()).digest().hex()]


def derive_receive_address(script, script_hash):

“””Derive a receive address from the P2Wash multi-sig script”””

Extract the non-random parameters (r, s, n) and hash

r, s, n = extract_parameters(script)

Derive a unique identifier using SHA-256

id = hashlib.sha256(r + s + n.encode()).digest()

return f”2.{id.hex()}{BLOCKCHAIN_HASH}”

def extract_parameters(script):

“””Extract the non-random parameters (r, s, n) and hash from the script”””

Extract the signature, random number, and non-random parameters

r, s = extract_signature(script)

id = hashlib.sha256(r + s.encode()).