Slit Balance on Ethereum: A Step-by-Step Instructions for 50/50 Split on
When it comes to managing your cryptocurrency portfolio, the accuracy is the key. Equilibrium transmission between platforms. In this article.
Before driving, make sure that you have the following:
- A binance net api token with sufficient permissions
- The “Eth
and" Binance "Packages (for Node.Js) Installed Via Npm or Yarn
- A account orientation for both bony and in your preferred exchange
Step 1: Get Your Balance
First get us our balance for the basic asset (ETH) and the quote from asset (BTCUSDT). Dend Point:
Const Bnb = Require (‘Binance-Api’);
Const ethbalance = waiting bnb.get (‘eth’, {account: ‘0x …’});
Const btcbalance = waiting bnb.get (‘btc’, {account: ‘0x …’});
. Replace it with your actual account details.
Step 2: Share the remaining amount
Balance as 50/50 on btcusdt,
Const Balance = {
ETH: Ethbalance,
“Balances” on to share our remaining amount:
Const bnbsplitter = Request (‘BNB Splitter’);
Const result = waiting bnbsplitter.plit (balance, ‘btcusdt’, {account: ‘0x …’});
Library to carry out a 50/50 split. Replace 'btcusdt' with your preferred cryptopaar.
Step 3: Check the Split
To check whether the balance transfer was successful, we can check whether both assets have been updated:
Const Bnb = Require (‘Binance-Api’);
Const eth = waiting bnb.get (‘eth’, {account: ‘0x …’});
Const btc = waiting bnb.get (‘btc’, {account: ‘0x …’});
Console.log (eth Balance: $ {ETH.ethbalance}
console.log (BTC -daldo: $ {BTC.BTCBALANCE}
The balances should now reflect their desired split.
Tips and variations
If you follow these steps, you can share your ethereum balance from 50/50 on btcusdt with Have fun trading!