We start with the interactions of bitcoin nodes: a guide to the bitcoin API
Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that relies on complex cryptographic techniques, including the Blockchain basic protocol. In order to get an overview of network behavior and improving our understanding, how it works, it is an excellent approach to the interaction with the node helf through the API interface (application programming). However, access to certain nodes or data may be limited as a result of safety measures. Fortunately, we will provide you with a detailed guide to access the entry of bitcoin nodes through Varous Languages.
Calling the right API interface
To get started, select the API that provides access to the status and transaction of the Bitcoin network. The most commonly used API interfaces are:
* API Bitcoin-Uzlov : This is an official API for access to the bitcoin nodes. It allows you to get information about the heads of the blocks, the outputs of the transactions and others.
Open Bitcoin networks
: Open BNB Network (OBN) is a bitcoin network fork that provides alternative API for interaction with nodes.
In this article, we will focus on using the Bitcoin Nodes API interface.
Setting up your environment
Before you start code, make sure you have:
- Attached cryptocurrency wallet and node.
- Installed library
or Python of your choice (we recommend using ‘Requestfor Python).
- The basic knowledge of programming in C
or Python.
Entering the Loading Blocks and outputs of transaction
Here is an example of how you can use API Bitcoin-Node in Python:
Import requirements
From Cryptograph.Hazmat.Primitines to import serialization, hash
From Cryptograph.hazmat.Backends import default_backend
From bitcoinlib.crypto import prizes_to_p2sh_script, pubkey_to_bytes
Set the URL of the node and credentials
node_url = "http: // localhost: 8333"
Username = "Your-USERNAME"
Password = "Your-Password"
Create a pair of PGP keys to sign script signature
pgp_key = serialization.load_der_x509_certificate (
FileName = "Path/To/Your-Private-Key.PEM", Backen = default_backnd ()
Def Get_block_Head (Node_url, Username, Password):
Headers = {"Authorization": F "Basic {Username}: {Password}"}
Response = Requests.get (F "{node_url} /block.Hlock", headers = heads)
Return Response.Json ()
Def Get_transaction_output (Node_url, block_theader_json, transaction_id):
Headers = {"Authorization": F "Basic {Username}: {Password}"}
Response = Requests.get (F "{node_url}/Txout/{transaction_id}", headers = headers)
Return Response.Json ()
Example of use:
Block_Head = Get_block_head (Node_url, Username, Password)
Print (Block_Head)
Transaction_output = Get_transaction_output (Node_url, Block_Head ['Header'], "Your-Transaction-ID")
Print (Transaction_output)
put it all together
If you want to put everything in one feature, you can create a class that processes the interaction of the knots. Be sure to replace the values of the surrender symbols (eg “Node_url," Username "and" password ") with your real credentials.
` Python
Import requirements
From Cryptograph.hazmat.Primitive Import Serialization, Hash
From Cryptograph.hazmat.Backends import default_backend
Class Bitcoinnodeappi:
Def __init __ (self):
self.node_url = “http: // localhost: 8333”
self.username = “Your-USERNAME”
self.password = “Your-Password”
Def Get_block_Head (self):
Headers = {“Authorization”: F “Basic {self.username}: {self.password}”}
Response = Requests.get (F “{self.node_url} /block.Hlock”, headers = heads)
Return Response.Json ()
Def Get_transaction_output (self, block_theader_json):
Headers = {“Authorization”: F “Basic {self.username}: {self.password}”}
Response = Requests.get (F “{self.