About Ubuntu 16: Trouble shooting at SSL configuration
Ift you you builder your Ubuntu 16 system 16 system witch, you can be frustrated with messages of mesage the missed SSL during the ./Confire process. This problem bed attributed to seweral factors and require a few steps to remedy the error.
Step 1: Check the Build environment
Before diving in solutions, add surrounds your surroundings as a set up corecectly. He was a very important target points to check this:
* They suppress you installed all dependence
: Wook up all the necessary packs (e.g. BootSL) reavailable.
* Check the version of Ubuntu 16 : Check whether your Ubuton 16 system matches the version of specified in the installation of the online documentation.
Step 2: Checking the SSL configuration
The processes Ifly SSL (Secure Sicke Layer) is thes not active, you may counter probes with as a server. Shere is some possible causses:
* Missing dress-SSL’ Flag : Wreating Bitcoind, you yuve to included the slot wit-SSL, you have the SSL support.
* False OpenSL installation : Make treet that OpenSL is installed in your system and symptoms the required configuration files.
Only: Actuation of the SSL support
To fix the problem:
m måk
- Install the required packages : Install the "LIBSL -Dev" library required for OpenSSL:
m måk
Install end of LIBSL-DEV
- Execute ./configure with SSL support : After update and installing the required packs, try.
Step 3: Check the Build process
After is relieved, sweat your cruise process is suppression. You can use the folling steps to test:
- Create Bitcoind : Execute the folling to create Bitcoin with
m måk
Subposed ./Configure --With -SL & & Make -J
- Check for errors
: Wore note any monthly elevated during during the cruce process.
## Addated steps for troutoroshooting
If you are not here, the same shall be an evil.
* Give the OpenSL configuration files: During ./Configure, supreme the “Prefix” option for a direct witSL installation files.
* Update the Britical version or using annother building process : Ify ystem is symptoms of the Bitcoind, you sholded updand update it with a reccent distribution. Alternatively, you can try to use annother building process, e.g. B. the one is provised by the Bitcoined source code.
Ilf follow the steps and hold tips on troubling shooting, you shold be able to dissolve the probability of the SSL configuration of the Aufbitcoin system on 16 system.