Solana: Getting started with Solana Development – .NET Core?

Solana: Introduction to Solana Development – .NET Core?

As a third -year software engineering, with interest in the development of .NET Core Web Develope. In this article, we will address Solana’s basics and provide step -by -step guides about the landing of Solana Development .net Core.

What is Solana?

Solana is a fast, scalable and safe blockchain plate shape that allows developers to be the only decentralized applications (Dapps). With its Turing-Complee architecture, Solana allows complex more intelligent and decentralized finance applications (Defi). Its specifications, low gas rates and high scalability to attract Blockchain projects at power level.

Why choose .net Core?

As a .NET Core Developer, I should Dravn for Solana’s performance and scalability advantages. Manage are some reasons, I chose .net Core:

Familiarity .NET CORE *: As development .NET CORE DEVELOPPER, I am already!

* There is knowledge of C

: My experience in programming language C

will help me adapt properly to Solana JavaScript.

Step by step guide to start

Here is a step -by -step guide not to start the development of solana using the .net core:


  • Install Visual Studio 2019 or Alter : Make sure you have the Visual Studio Latt installed.

  • Create a new .net Core project : Open Visual Studio and create a new project

  • Install Solana Sdk : Install Solana SDK Use Nuget Package Manager (Dotnet Tool) or here download SDK.

Configuration of the Solana Development Environment

  • Set up a new .NET CORE Project: Create a new Core Web Apriction Project and set up your environment.

  • Install the necessary dependencies

    : Add the required libraries and tools, such as ‘Solana-Program’, Solana-core-JS.

Creating a Solana contract

  • Create a new JavaScript file : Create a new JavaScript file (index.js) in your project’s horctory.

  • Write your first contract : Define a simple contraction Use the SOLANA JavaScript syntax, Souch as:


import {program} of "Solana-Program";




Author: ["Your name"],

Goal: {

Solana_Verage: "1.9.0"




["CREATE_ACCOUNT", "your_account_id"]



Export {Program};

Performing the contract

  • Construct your contractor : compile your contraction use solana-build installed (if you have Hasan-Build).

  • Run the contraction **: Run the contraction Use theSolana-Runcommand.

Troubleshooting and solving

  • Use the Solana clearance tools : Use the Solana clearance tools, Souch aslana-debug, to identify problems in your contractor.

  • Check that there are gas errors : Check GS errors by expating the Solana transaction log.


Introduction to Solana Development using .NET Core requires sharing and configuration. On the other hand, with this guide, you are capable of this in Basic and execute it in the Solana network. I hope the article has received an introduction from Guod to Solana and its development for .net Core developers.

Additional resources

SOLANA DOCTORATION *: Check out Solana’s office for more information about the platform.

Solana Tutorial *: Watch the Solana tutorial on youtube or follow your oversholes on the site.

I hope the article will have an initial intrite built with solana development .NET CORE.

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