Ethereum: Binance order book managment using websocket

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Ethereum: Books of Binance books using WebSocket

As a developer working with Ethereum, order management is effective for creating scalable and reliable trading systems. In this article, we will review how to implement the book management management using Websockets on Binance.


Binance’s WebSocket API provides a powerful mechanism for communication between clients and servers in real time, allowing applications to monitor and manage real -time market data. This feature is particularly useful for the development of orders management systems that require constant monitoring of market conditions. In this article, we demonstrate how to use the API Binance Websocket API to create a local book management system.


Before you continue, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Wallet Ethereum (eg metamask) associated with your development environment

  • API Binance WebSocket library installed in your project (available at NPM or via github)

  • Basic understanding of the foundations of Websockets and Ethereum Blockchain

Implementing book order management using a website

Here is an example of implementing orders of order books by Binance Websocket API:


Const WebSocket = Require (‘WS’);

Const WSS = New Websocket.Server ({port: 8080});

// initialize variables to store books data data

Let orders = [];

Let the ladupate = date.Now ();

// function to update bookstore orders using WebSockets

Updateroderbook function () {)

// Get all available books of orders from Binance API (replace with your own logic)

Const OrderBooks = GetavailaTableorderBooks ();

// Update the data of books of local orders

Orders = [… Orderbooks]; // Save orders to the local variable

// Calculate the last update time and renew your order data if necessary

IF ((date.Now () – LODECDATE)> 1000) {

Refresdorderbook ();


// IMIT event events Websocket for clients (eg updates, errors)


client.send (JSON.STRINGIFY ({{

Type: ‘Updaterodebook’,

Orders: Orders




// feature to reset the book orders

RefresdorderBook function () {)

// Get new books available from Binance API (replace with your own logic)

Const Newgerbooks = Getavableorderbooks ();

// Update local order data and emit Websocket events to clients

Orders = [… NeworderBooks];


client.send (JSON.STRINGIFY ({{

Type: “Updateroderbook”,

Orders: Orders




// function to subscribe to API Binance API for Real Time Updates

Subscrifetoorderbook () {) {)

// Get the access token and order subscription parameters from your Binance information panel (replace with your own logic)

Const Accessten = Getaccestken ();

Const OrderBooksubsubscriptionparams = GetarderBooksubsubsubscriptionParams ();

// Log in to subscribed to the specified order book using the API WebSockets API

WSS.ON (‘Connection’, Client => {

Client.on (‘Message’, Data => {

IF (data.type === ‘updatorbook’) {

Updateroderbook (); // Call feature and update the local order data

} Else if (data.type === ‘Error’) {

Console.error (data.message);




// Issocket Event with parameters of subscription when connected

WSS.ON (‘Open’, () => {

Const Subscriptions = GetSubscriptParames ();