Ethereum: Will a Schnorr soft-fork introduce a new address format (i.e. not bech32)

** You will introduce a snorrad address format

Ethereum Blockchain has significant changes in every new hard fork, an intensive debate between developers and users. The next Schnor-Soft-Hoben aims to introduce a new direction, but the question remains: Will it cause a fundamental change in terms of the instructions of Ethereum?

What are Schnorr’s signatures?

Schnoror’s signatures are an alternative way to present digital identities in the block chain. In contrast to the traditional cryptography systems (PK), the public key (PK) that use private keys to the encryption data, the Schnoror companies use a “public key” as individual entry to calculate the deciphered key. This approach enables faster and secure transactions without affecting the privacy of the users.

Bech32 addresses: The current standard

The traditional directions of Ethereum are stored in a format similar to that of Bitcoin, whereby the first 64 characters (e.g. this structure is called Bech32. While it has its advantages, such as high scalability, Bech32 addresses can be confused for confusion Users who are used to conventional addresses.

The Schnorr-Lutkrenk: A new steering format?

In May 2021, Ethereum developer announced plans to introduce a new steering format based on the Schnor signature scheme. The aim was to create a non -distinguishable direction of those currently using Bech32. This change enables faster transaction processing without the need for additional gas.

Are the new instructions from Bech32 not to be distinguished?

In theory, Schnoror’s new directions should not easily distinguish from traditional Bech32 addresses. The difference is in the format and the structure of the directions itself:

  • The traditional directions of Ethereum have 44 long hexadecimal characters.

*, As mentioned above, the Bech32 addresses have fixed the first 64 characters (hash), followed by a review amount.

Potential problems

While Schnorr’s new directions may not distinguish from the traditional Bech32, some potential problems must be taken into account:

  • Confusion among users : Some users may still want to use traditional Bech32 addresses for security or familiarity reasons.

  • Compatibility with software and inherited applications : If the oldest systems or applications largely depend on the Bech32 addresses, you may not be able to add the new Schnoror format without any problems.


The next snor soft blankets aims to revolutionize the Ethereum address system by introducing a new format that cannot be distinguished from the traditional Bech32. While it has to take potential problems into account, such as confusion and compatibility concerns of the user, the new addresses are likely to become the standard for Ethereum. If developers continue to experiment with this change, we can expect the Ethereum community to adapt and find paths to make the transition as soft as possible.

Stay attentive

: In the coming months, it is expected. Stay informed by accredited sources like to stay up to date with the latest developments and potential changes that can affect your daily life in the block chain.