Før Mørket: Directed by Eirik Svensson. With Chris Djuma, Tracy Gotoas, Alexander Karim, Mattis Herman Nyquist. The civil war rages in the Central African Republic. Linn (35) leads a team of humanitarian workers who work tirelessly to save lives in a makeshift land hospital outside the massive refugee camp. Suddenly, a desperate man comes up against the clinic. He is a Muslim and he is persecuted and deadly in danger. Everyone holds their breath. Outside, the crowd and the Christian militia who want the Muslim man to put back and killed. Linn is responsible for security. Now she has to act quickly. Despite the risk it poses and the rest of the team, Linn decides to follow his own conscience. While fighting the battle of her life, she must also consider the value of a single human life. Safe House is based on the true story of the drama which took place for 15 intense hours at Doctors withy Borders’ Field Hospital in Bangui the day before Christmas, 2013.
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