Solana: How to create a Stake Account using Solana Web3.js v2 and solana-program/stake

Create an account account with Solan with Web3.JS V2 and staking.sol

Solana is a fast, safe and decentralized blockchain network that allows to create applications based on tokens. One of its key features is the management management, allowing users to participate in the network validation process by locking their tokens in a “share”. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating shares to Solana via web3.JS V2 and staking.


Before we start, make sure you have:

  • Solana node installed (eg Solana CLI)

  • Solana’s wallet installed (eg Solana Explorer or Solan CLI)

  • Package @solana/Web3.js installed in your project (version 2.12.0 or later)

Install addiction

You must install the following addictions to create an account:


NPM Installation @Solana/Web3.JS Sting.sol


Create an account with a outage

Catering Agreement is responsible for the management of shares. Here is an example of how to create a new deposit account:


Const {web3} = require (‘@solana/web3.js’);

Const {staking} = require (‘sting.sol’);

Const Web3 = New Web3 ();

// Create a new solana node and set the URL of the cluster (eg “

Const Clusterurl = ‘

// Create a new account

Async function CreatestakeacCount () {

Const Stingprogramide = ‘Your Entry Program-ID’; // replace your Insert ID ID

Const Keypair = Acait Web3.GETKEYPAIR ();

Const Accounts = [Web3.KeyPair];

try {

Const {lamports} = awaits stakingprogram.CreatestakeacCount ({{


Lamportlimite: 1000000,

Stakeamount: 10000, // Example of the deposit in LAMS


Console.log (“The deposit account successfully created!”);

} Catch (Error) {

Console.error (Error);



CreatestakeacCount ();


In this example, we create a new contribution account by calling “CreatestakeacCount”. Let’s go through the Options object with the following features:

  • Lamporlimit: sets the maximum number of lamports that can be spent on storing or withdrawing tokens

  • Stakeamount: Set the initial quantity of LAMS to lock in your account overlook

configuration staking.sol

Catering Agreement is responsible for management management. To configure prosecution, you will need to create a new “staking” instance and set its options:


Const {staking} = require (‘sting.sol’);

// Create a new account configuration object

Async function CreatestakeConfig () {)

Const Stingprogramide = ‘Your Entry Program-ID’; // replace your Insert ID ID

Const Keypair = Acait Web3.GETKEYPAIR ();

Const Accounts = [Web3.KeyPair];

try {





Console.log (“Successfully created a deposit configuration!”);

} Catch (Error) {

Console.error (Error);



CreatestakeConfig ();


In this example, we create a new “staking” instance and call “CreatestakeConfig” to set up its options. Let’s go through an object with the following features:

  • Stakingprogramid: Set your Insert ID ID

  • Accounts: Set the accounts that are used to manage shares

Test the deposit account

You can use Solan CLI to test your account:


Solana Deposit -Port


Replace for your actual inserting ID and `with a solan node number.


In this article, we went through the process of creating shares to Solana via web3.JS V2 and Sting.sol contract.

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